Red1karting室内车场面积6000 平米,挑高空间达12米,无论是团队建设、新品发布还是公关答谢,室内车场都是您绝佳的选择。我们将根据您的需求为您量身打造各种赛事娱乐活动,并由我们的专业工作人员全程为您服务,确保您最获得最佳的娱乐体验与享受。我们可以为喜爱赛车的人员安排个人计时、小组竞赛、接力赛等多种赛事活动,同时也在二楼多功能活动区为其他人员准备了美食、饮料、台球、桌游等多种休闲活动,并可以在临窗区近距离观看比赛,为同伴加油助威,尽享无限欢乐!
Get your corporate Events, PR Events, Racing Leagues, Private Parties, Fundraisersat Red1Karting!
·Rent the track exclusively for you and your friends or colleagues!
·We design a race according to your wishes.
·Even larger groups come fully on their cost. How about a team race or qualifying events, where the best riders of each run qualify for the next round - right up to the grand finale.
·In the meanwhile, the inactive drivers can watch the race in our sportsbar or cheer on the big platform.